United StatesDeath

Artist rating: 62.51 % (ranking: not set)
Highest rating: 62.51 % (1998)
Most recent trend: 63.69 % (1998)
Highest trend: 68.36 % (1991)

Tracks (A-Ö)



Formed: 1984
Disbanded: 2001-12-13

Existed for 17 years

External links



Steve Di Giorgio, Gene Hoglan, Andy LaRocque, Paul Masvidal, James Murphy, Sean Reinert, Chuck Schuldiner


74.51 %
64.93 %
63.06 %
61.44 %

Main track writers

Sorted by number of tracks
Chuck Schuldiner 45 songs 97.83 %
Sorted by track ratings
Chuck Schuldiner 45 songs 66.89 %


Artist rating
Highest artist rating: The Sound of Perseverance (1998), 62.51 %

Trend ratings
Highest trend rating: Human (1991), 68.36 %
Lowest trend rating: Scream Bloody Gore (1987), 50.75 %

Biggest trend rise: Human (1991), +7.16 points
Biggest trend drop: The Sound of Perseverance (1998), -1.76 points

Miscellaneous statistics
Number of works: 7
Number of tracks: 62
Tracks/work: 8.86

Work statistics
Total length: 5:01:09
Average length/work: 43:01
Standard deviation length/work: 07:14

Number of rated works: 7
Average rating/work: 63.44 % ()
Median rating/work: 63.06 % ()

Track statistics
Average length/track: 04:51
Standard deviation length/track: 01:14

Number of rated tracks: 62
Average rating/track: 3.35 ()

Track rating distribution

0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
2 3.23 %
4 6.45 %
18 29.03 %
26 41.94 %
10 16.13 %
2 3.23 %
0 0.00 %

Track rating distribution (time)

00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
06:42 2.22 %
16:18 5.41 %
27:58 29.21 %
10:59 43.49 %
51:00 16.94 %
08:12 2.72 %
00:00 0.00 %

Artist and work rating timeline

Artist ranking timeline (beta)

Artist trend ranking timeline (beta)