United StatesFunkadelic

Artist rating: n/a
Highest rating: n/a
Most recent trend: n/a
Highest trend: n/a

Tracks (A-Ö)



Formed: 1968
Disbanded: 1985

Existed for 17 years

External links



62.61 %


Artist rating
Highest artist rating: -

Trend ratings
Highest trend rating: -
Lowest trend rating: -

Biggest trend rise: -
Biggest trend drop: -

Miscellaneous statistics
Number of works: 1
Number of tracks: 7
Tracks/work: 7.00

Work statistics
Total length: 36:55
Average length/work: 36:55
Standard deviation length/work: 00:00

Number of rated works: 1
Average rating/work: 62.61 % ()
Median rating/work: 62.61 % ()

Track statistics
Average length/track: 05:16
Standard deviation length/track: 03:03

Number of rated tracks: 7
Average rating/track: 3.43 ()

Track rating distribution

0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
1 14.29 %
0 0.00 %
1 14.29 %
3 42.86 %
1 14.29 %
1 14.29 %
0 0.00 %

Track rating distribution (time)

00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
09:43 26.32 %
00:00 0.00 %
03:57 10.70 %
10:05 27.31 %
02:50 7.67 %
10:20 27.99 %
00:00 0.00 %