Czech RepublicBedřich Smetana

Artist rating: n/a
Highest rating: n/a
Most recent trend: n/a
Highest trend: n/a

Tracks (A-Ö)
Writing credits


Born: 1824-03-02
Died: 1884-05-12

Age: 60

External links


Work types


70.49 %

Main track writers

Sorted by number of tracks
Bedřich Smetana 6 songs 100.00 %
Sorted by track ratings
Bedřich Smetana 6 songs 76.67 %


Artist rating
Highest artist rating: -

Trend ratings
Highest trend rating: -
Lowest trend rating: -

Biggest trend rise: -
Biggest trend drop: -

Miscellaneous statistics
Number of works: 1
Number of tracks: 6
Tracks/work: 6.00

Work statistics
Total length: 1:16:05
Average length/work: 00:16:05
Standard deviation length/work: 00:00

Number of rated works: 1
Average rating/work: 70.49 % ()
Median rating/work: 70.49 % ()

Track statistics
Average length/track: 12:41
Standard deviation length/track: 01:49

Number of rated tracks: 6
Average rating/track: 3.83 ()

Track rating distribution

0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
0 0.00 %
3 50.00 %
2 33.33 %
1 16.67 %
0 0.00 %

Track rating distribution (time)

00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
00:00 0.00 %
38:52 51.08 %
25:11 33.10 %
12:02 15.82 %
00:00 0.00 %